Day six

Water dispenser

Water dispenser

When I originally thought about what would be most helpful for the hogar, it was to be able to link already existing services here in Honduras to the hogar.   I feel like we were able to start that today.   Visiting the Ixbalanque Spanish school, we asked Amadea (one of the owners) how we could find out about brigades (medical, dental, optometric) who might be in the area.   Amadea suggested she contact us whenever she knows there is going to be a brigade in the area.   She is also going to organize a meeting for us with the mayors wife to see if we might be able to work with an “Amigos” organization (a University with an optometric program) to explore having a week long eye clinic here in Copan Ruinas.

Visiting with Doña Delsy earlier in the day, we discussed water filters for the hogar.  There are a couple of possibilities to explore re: providing a more permanent drinking water supply.   In the meantime, we will arrange with Copan Green to continue to deliver bottles of water to the hogar.

Christianne with the dental poster

Christianne with the dental poster

Gabrielito's ear

Gabrielito's ear

At the hogar today Hanna and Jean-Marie (Jay) had some questions about the medications they are responsible for administering.   We reviewed the list of medications the children are on.   There were a number of scabies treatments, steroid creams and antibiotics.   It seems like skin problems here are major.   One of the children has an infection on and behind his ear that needs attention.   There was also an infected finger and a body rash that need to be monitored.   The kids bring out the tooth-brushing poster to have Christiane read to them again every time we are there so hopefully it has an actual impact on their oral hygiene.

Tomorrow is Valentines Day.   Feliz dia del amor!

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