Archive for January, 2011

The materials arrive for the chicken granja

Saturday, January 8th, 2011
And so it begins

And so it begins

Yesterday the materials were delivered and we saw the beginning of this exciting project. The kids were on hand to unload the truck. The sand will be delivered today and the construction can begin.

A New Project for Honduras

Friday, January 7th, 2011
This is where the new chicken house will be

This is where the new chicken house will be

With the help of A Better World, the Morazanica school in El Chilar (a community distant from Copan Ruinas) will have an egg/chicken business. The eggs will be used to supplement the childrens diet as well as sold to buy other foodstuffs and support the operating costs.

Children from El Chilar school

Children from El Chilar school

Professor Adin Alvorado Santos (the teacher whose proposal this is) sees the chicken project as a unique and valuable learning opportunity for the children. I do too! and am excited as the building is due to start tomorrow. All labor will be supplied by the community and the project overseen by Ellen Finn (director) Project School Supplies.