Team Mundo Mejor (A Better World) in Honduras, March/April 2012
Friday, April 6th, 2012What a great team we made!
Maria and Christiane……my appreciation for all your help
What a great team we made!
Maria and Christiane……my appreciation for all your help
Almost self supporting……and probably will be when the chicks are full grown in 2 months and sold. The only costs so far this year are…….2 sacks of food to help fatten up the chicks in the last month and a loan of 100$ for wire to let the chickens safely graze outside the chicken house.
Bryan offering suggestions
One of "the girls"
I was thrilled to have Bryan (who is working presently with Canadian Peacemakers International) agree to spend a couple of days in Copan to share some of his ideas and expertise. He brings experience from many years of working in Africa and Honduras. A teacher by profession, he also loves agricultural projects….encouraging poor communities to change how much money they have to spend on food (almost all of their meagre salaries) by planting food producing trees and bushes…..and discussing simple ways of developing fish ponds and granjas.
We spent the day in Los Arcos….where over 100 people from the community came to hear Bryan speak about how they can change things little by little by using their own hands and those of their children.
These two days are dedicated to working with Bryan Butler and utilizing his expertise in sustainable small agriculture projects and in computer based learning. Team “A Better World” today consisted of Bryan, Christiane, Saul (from Plan International) and Chely (the director from World Vision) and myself.
Today we were in Los Arcos……a two hour drive on some of the worst roads the world has to offer.
3 best things about the day
3 worst things
Oh yes there was another “worst thing”. The roof on the classroom we built in Los Arcos was destroyed by a storm last month. The community’s working on a plan for a roof that won’t blow off……and will be planting fast growing trees as a wind break
Maria and I were thrilled to be part of the inauguration of the school in San Jose Lagrimas. She, Christiane and I represented A Better World at the ceremony and day long fiesta. Maria has gotten to know the community intimately over the past few months and shared the deep meaning this school has for them. It was a remarkable day.