A meeting was arranged with the parents and town leaders. It is humbling to be part of this process. We were met by a group of parents where we left the truck. They, and others that joined us long the way, escorted us up to the village. We could see the kids and parents at the top waiting to greet us. When the meeting was over “they had food” for us. That was what we heard everywhere we went to visit. So we sat down and were served chicken soup (the ultimate of meals here in Honduras) while everyone else watched. What a horrible feeling to be eating when we knew that the others would be getting tortillas maybe with beans for dinner (if they were lucky).

At the moment this is the school so when it rains (which is most of the year), there is a problem. The community and the Minister of Education put forth a request which Saul submitted. It was dependent on the commitment of the community to supply the labor, and the govt to supply the land. We received that commitment at the meeting yesterday. Today the mayor was visiting the community to look at two pieces of land and purchase land for the school site.

The school today
As soon as I have affirmation that the land is purchased they will send me a copy of the document and I will give the okay to buy the materials…….which will have to be carried on the backs of the people…..over the rickety bridge and up the hill. That includes over 1000 cement blocks, sand, bags of wall stucco, and roof materials.

The rickety bridge

My most wonderful photographer seemed to keep falling behind, taking pictures of the scenery