An hour on paved road then up, up, up the hill into the rural communities to reach the community of Cuchilla Zapa where a year ago we provided seed money for computers. The people from the department of education we’re excited about the possibilities. They visited Santa Cruz where the mother program is and implemented the program. 24 students graduated from Grade 7 last November. This year the numbers doubled with the entry of new Grade 7 students and our Grade 8 class.
I brought greetings from a Better World and told the students that education was a major focus of the organization. We asked the students as a group why they like the program. Responses generally included accessibility and lower costs.

So many questions. We had questions about costs, how many kids weren’t accessing the program for lack of funding and the vision of the program for the future. We interviewed the kids separately and together about what they would like to improve. The Minister of Education, the Plan International Director and Education Worker, and the superintendent of Education were there to answer questions, to observe and to look at some options for the future.

Courtney and Kevin observing the program materials:

Cake is always a hit! I like to bring something celebratory when I visit the projects and cake is rare here so very special.