Archive for April, 2017


Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

BINGO was the game. Prizes and cake were enjoyed! Brayan translated for me and called the game. Karen, Scott and Telma monitored the accuracy of the kids numbers. We used Cheerios for markers. I guess it was no surprise that the markers kept disappearing.

With our last school visit done, we wish the class, Armando (their teacher) and the parents farewell till next time.

Oh yes…..for those who made grand efforts to get the backpacks down from Canada last October (Barry, Donna, Karen, Phyllis and Sonya). It was well worthwhile and the kids are thrilled with having real backpacks.


Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

We went to visit Santa Anita and the leaders and the community formally presented a budget
and proposal…….asking for our help to build a new school. We are in the process of reviewing the numbers and I have been firm in the municipality supplying some of the materials (specifically sand, backfill, and the cost of the foreman) before I consider the materials budget. The community is prepared to provide the labor for construction

Part of the school is wood and part Adobe…….the Adobe they used a short time ago to patch the building is turning to dust.